Hotel Alfa Gym & Pool & Sauna
While you stay with us make the most of your free access to pace our Alfa Gym, which offers a variety of top-quality cardio, cross fit and resistance training equipment, open 24h, and complementing this facility the hotel has an indoor pool and sauna room which is open from 07h to 23h. All you need to increase your feeling of well-being!
Renovated gym at the end of 2019 with the latest generation of gym machines and equipment:
- Assault Air Runner Curved Treadmill
- Assault Air Bike
- Rowing Machine Concept2
- Multi Gym Force Station Technogym Unica
- Crossfit style equipment: medicine balls, slam balls, kettlebells, dumbbells.
- Heated indoor pool of saline neolysis water
- Wet Sauna
Neolysis is a system of disinfection of water without chemicals. Fully ecological makes the water crystal clear and prevents eyes and skin irritation.